To take the test, simply send your answers via email to List numbers down with your selections. For example:
1. B
2. C
3. A
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1. TPS means
a. Toilet Paper Sheets
b. The Productions Selection
c. Toyota Production Systems
d. Typical Precise Series
2. You’ve been with the company for six months and do your job adequately but still need to consult with a supervisor or mentor for help.
a. Unconscious Incompetent
b. Conscious Incompetent
c. Conscious Competent
d. Unconscious Competent
3. The founder of modern scientific management is:
a. Ed Deming
b. Frank Galbraith
c. Taiichi Ohno
d. Fredrick Winslow Taylor
e. Peter F. Drucker
f. James Womac
g. Vilprido Pareto
4. Six Sigma aims for ____ defects per million.
a. 65
b. 95
c. 3.4
d. 99
5. Defective parts
a. Has more than one defects
b. Has more than two defects
c. Has more than five defects
d. Has more than ten defects
6. Y(f)x stands for
a. Yellow belts forever
b. Y finds Critical to X
c. Y is a function of X
d. Y, the dependent variable, depends upon X, or the independent variable, for processing
7. The three types of kaizens are:
a. Initiatives, charters, just do it
b. Quick, 3 day, six month
c. Just do it, Blitz, Charters
d. None of the above
8. SOP means:
a. Standard Operating Policy
b. System Operating Process
c. Standard Operating Procedure
d. System Operating Procedure
9. Lean targets ____. Six Sigma targets ____
a. Efficiency, Defects
b. Waste, Profits
c. Waste, Defects
d. Efficiency, Profits
10. Lean targets ____, Six Sigma evaluates through ____ of facts and data.
a. Quality, Quantification
b. Waste, Understanding
c. Efficiency, Review
d. Profits, Systemization
11. Lean uses _____, Six Sigma uses ____
a. Process maps, Swim Lane Diagrams
b. Flow Charts, Spaghetti Diagrams
c. Value Stream Maps, Critical Path Maps
d. Value Stream Maps, SIPOC Maps
12. Lean is based upon ____. Six Sigma relies upon ____
a. Quality evaluation, Quantification evaluation
b. Customer Value, Critical to X (CTX)
c. Voice of the Business (VOB), Voice of the Process (VOP)
d. Customer Discussion, Stakeholder Discussion
13. Kata means:
a. Basics
b. Fight
c. Form
d. Study
14. Lean relies upon the PDCA paradigm that stands for:
a. Plan Decide Conform Assess
b. Plan Do Check Act
c. Preassessment Discovery Compliance Arrival
d. Preview Development Communication Amortize
15. _____ stands for _____
a. FATIPO, Flow Action Timeliness Input Process Output
b. FATIPO, Flow Accuracy Timeliness Input Process Output
c. SIPOC, Specific Informative Prevention Organization Customer
d. SMART Series Measure Achievable Reasonable Timeliness
16. Lean is based upon THR that stands for:
a. Timeliness Historical Responsiveness
b. Temporary Human Revelation
c. Trust Honesty Respect
d. Trust Humility Respect
17. VOC, VOB, VOE, VOS is used to identify what multiple entities values. The “V” stands for Voice.
a. True
b. False
18. The Ishikawa Fishbone Diagram consists of:
a. Cause and Effect categories
b. A method for determining root cause
c. Labor, Equipment, Materials, Process Spines and an Environment Tail
d. B only
e. A and C
f. A, B and C
g. None of the above
19. Lean consists of:
a. Customer Value, Standardized Work Vs Batch Processing, Flow, Waste Elimination, Continuous Improvement
b. Customer Value, Pull Single Piece Vs Batch Processing, Root Cause Analysis, Waste Elimination, Continuous Improvement
c. Customer Value, Pull Single Piece Vs Batch Processing, Flow, Waste Elimination, Continuous Improvement
d. Customer Value, Pull Single Piece Vs Batch Processing, Flow, Waste Elimination, Heijunka
20. A3 and A4 stand for documents used as a snap shot of a charter or project. The difference between the two documents are:
a. One is used for problems, the other is used for design and development.
b. Different color codes are used.
c. Different sizes.
d. They are the same but A4 which is the next level has more categories for review and evaluation.
21. 5 S stands for:
a. Seri, Seiton, Seiso, Seketsu, Shi Tsu Ke
b. Sort, Set in Order, Sweep and Shine, Standardize, Sustain
c. Sort, Settle, Slip, Standardize, Sustain
d. Sort, Straighten, Sweep, Standardize, Sustain
e. None of the above
f. All of the above
g. A, B, D
22. Standard Operating Procedures and Work Instructions are used for Standardized Work.
a. True
b. False
23. What are the 5 basic precepts of Theory of Constraints?
a. Identify, reveal, plan, resolve
b. Plan, prioritize, implement, re-evaluate
c. Identify, exploit, subordinate, elevate, repeat
d. None of the above
24. True or False
a. Ed Deming created Management by Objectives
25. The terms Jidoka, Hanadashi, Kanban, Chaku Chaku, Kaikaku, Kanban, Misusumashi, Andon are Japanese terms from TPS that are also used in James Womac’s Lean Manufacturing.
a. True
b. False
26. Value is defined as providing the product or service that your customer wants, delivered, _____, on time and hassle free.
a. At the lowest cost
b. Right
c. Without a doubt
d. Perfectly
27. You just got hired and have absolutely no experience in an entry level position. You would be considered:
a. Unconscious Incompetent
b. Conscious Incompetent
c. Conscious Competent
d. Unconscious Competent
28. Kihon means:
a. Basics
b. Fight
c. Form
d. Study
29. True or False. There is no difference between a customer and consumer.
a. True
b. False
30. You’ve been with the company for over five years and can do your job in your sleep. You would be considered:
a. Unconscious Incompetent
b. Conscious Incompetent
c. Conscious Competent
d. Unconscious Competent
31. Kumite means:
a. Basics
b. Fight
c. Form
d. Study
32. Standard deviation is:
a. 3.4 defects per million
b. Is the average spread of data from the Mean.
c. Confusing
d. Is used exclusively in Lean and not Six Sigma.
33. TIMWOOD stands for:
a. Transportation, Inventory, Manufacturing, Waiting, Overprocessing, Overproduction, Defects
b. Transportation, Inventory, Movement, Waiting, Overprocessing, Overproduction, Defects.
c. Transportation, Improvement, Movement, Waiting, Over Reduction, Overproduction, Defects.
d. Transportation, Inventory, Movement, Waiting, Overprocessing, Overproduction, Defects.
e. None of the above
34. What is Muda?
a. Japanese term for arrival.
b. Chinese term for waste.
c. Continuous improvement
d. Japanese term for waste.
35. Kaizen means
a. Continuous improvement
b. Good change
c. Signal card
d. Mistake proofing
e. A and B
f. C and D
g. None of the above
h. All of the above
36. Behavior and culture are NOT important in Lean Manufacturing.
a. True
b. False
37. When you “genchi genbutsu” or sometimes referred to as a “gemba walk” you are
a. Finding mistakes
b. Evaluating the causes of mistakes
c. Is a method for root cause analysis
d. Going to the place of action and see with your eyes or for yourself
38. When should you ask the 5 Whys?
a. To determine the direction of a location.
b. To determine who is the manager of a location.
c. To determine the root cause of a failure.
d. To determine what is the best way to tackle a problem.
39. Lean focuses on _________ and Six Sigma focuses on ____
a. Culture, Facts and Data
b. Flow, Standard Deviations
c. Heijunka, Gage R and R
d. PDCA, FMEA or Quality Function Deployment more known as QFD
40. DMAIC stands for:
a. Design, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control
b. Define, Measure, Approve, Improve, Control
c. Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Comply
d. Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control
41. In lean quality is NOT built in, in every process.
a. True
b. False
42. Taiichi Ohno has made it a point that ____ cannot occur without standardized work.
a. Strategy
b. Planning
c. Jidoka
d. Nemawashi
e. Kaizen or Continuous Improvement
43. In mass production and economies of scale, just in case is preferred to over just in time.
a. True
b. False
44. The basics parts of a value stream map are:
a. Value Added, Value Added but Necessary (Muda 1), Non -Value Added (Muda 2)
b. Value Added, Non-Value Added but Necessary (Muda 1), Non-Value Added (Muda 2)
c. Value Added, Value Added but Not Necessary (Muda 1), Non-Value Added (Muda 2)
d. Value Added but Necessary, Non-Value Added but Necessary (Muda 1), Non-Value Added (Muda 2)
45. The Japanese term for “water spider” or material handler is:
a. Nemawashi
b. Misusumashi
c. Shojinka
d. Kiroshi
46. Level or balance planning consists of:
a. Geri
b. Yokoten
c. Keiretsu
d. Heijunka
47. What are the three parts to Standardized Work?
a. Plan, Prioritize, Implement
b. Design, Review, Action
c. Takt, Sequential Steps, WIP or Inventory
d. Input, Process, Output
48. Hoshin Kanri is a process where the major stakeholders determine the growth of the company and a strategic plan based upon a vision.
a. True
b. False
49. You completed orientation and one week of training. You would be considered:
a. Unconscious Incompetent
b. Conscious Incompetent
c. Conscious Competent
d. Unconscious Competent
50. I have a headache because:
a. Sensei Domi is mean
b. This class has way too much information for a four-hour class.
c. I’m hungry.
d. I’m sleepy.
e. I’m bored.
f. All of the above
g. None of the above.