I've listed them down as references.
- Pareto
- Histogram
- Run
- Control
- Box and Whisker
- Spaghetti diagram
- Cellular design
- Andon - Alarm and auto stop
- Chaku chaku - load load
- Dojo Kun -Seek perfection / Be faithful to the truth / Endeavor to try / Respect others / Refrain from negative and agressive behavior
- Gemba - Place
- Genchi Genbutsu - Place of action
- Geniryou- quantity loss or limited volume
- Geri – burden
- Hanedashi- auto eject
- Heijunka – level out
- Hitokuzuri - Educating employees
- Hoshin Kanri – future planning
- Hourensou- delegating Genchi Genbutsu - technical intern or trainee
- Jidoka – Automation “autonomation” with a human touch – invokes total quality management Kaizen
- Jishuken- voluntary self study
- Kaduritsu - angle rate
- Kaikiu - change for worse
- Kaikaku – drastic change
- Kaizen - good change
- Kamashibai-visual management indicating what needs to be worked on a kanban card system.
- Kanban - sign (process kanban)
- Kansei – reflection
- Karoshi- death by Work
- Karakuri - Simple mechanism that replaces expensive and complex machines.
- Keireitsu-group of businesses linked together to form a cohesive group
- Kenjukai - Committee of wise men
- Kihoon, Kata, Kumite
- Kotokuzuri - Art of making things happen
- Kuzushi- disrupting balance
- Majime - Distance and space reduction
- Miru - to see 👀
- Misusumashi - material handler (water spider or Mr. Miyagi)
- Monokuzuri-the art of making things
- Muda-tori (Hitoshi Yamada) Waste Reduction System
- Nagara – doing two jobs at one station
- Nemawashi- general consensus
- Obeya - Big room
- Sakaku - Illusion
- Shojika – Cross Training
- Showa - era
- Takumi - Master craftsman
- Yokoten - sharing
Though some Japanese terms were used in some of the lessons, the following represents a list of terms and meanings that will be used in the future.
Remember these terms are primarily identified in Lean Manufacturing.